Trading days
Precious metals are traded on a number of stock exchanges around the world, the most important of them being the London Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. Trade is from Monday to Friday
There is no trade on Saturday, Sunday, holidays, or special occasions
Days on which there is no trading on the London Stock Exchange
Date | Day of the Week | Holiday / Occasion |
01/01/2015 | Thursday | New Year’s Day |
03/04/2015 | Friday | Good Friday |
06/04/2015 | Monday | Easter |
04/05/2015 | Monday | Early May Bank Holiday |
25/5/2015 | Monday | Spring Bank Holiday |
31/08/2015 | Monday | Summer Bank Holiday |
25/12/2015 | Friday | Christmas |
28/12/2015 | Monday | Boxing Day |
Days on which there is no trading on the New York Stock Exchange
Date | Day of the Week | Holiday / Occasion |
01/01/2015 | Thursday | New Year’s Day |
19/01/2015 | Monday | Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday |
16/02/2015 | Monday | Washington's Birthday |
03/04/2015 | Friday | Good Friday |
25/05/2015 | Monday | Memorial Day |
03/07/2015 | Friday | Independence Day |
07/09/2015 | Monday | Labor Day |
26/11/2015 | Thursday | Thanksgiving Day |
25/12/2015 | Friday | Christmas |